The Health and Safety Review have just released a comprehensive review of workdays lost and reasons for during the full year of 2022.
Overall during that year 1.6 million workdays were lost with 28 people killed in work-related deaths. which was the lowest on record since the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) was established in 1989.
50% of those killed were self-employed. 36% were employees. 11% were non-workers. 11 of the fatal incidents were caused by falls from height, 10 were the result of loss of control of a means of transport, and 2 occurred due to objects falling from above.
The fatality rate has fallen from 6.3 per 100,000 workers in 1992 (the first year for which comparative figures are available) to 1.0 per 100,000 in 2022.
9,070 non-fatal incidents were reported to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and 1,607,000 workdays were lost due to work-related injuries and illnesses.
Over 8,000 of the non-fatal incidents occurred in just eight sectors; Health & Social Work, Manufacturing, Wholesale/Retail, Construction, Transport, Public Administration/Defence, Education, Admin & Support Services.
While the reduction in the fatality rates are welcome, the high rate of non-fatal incidents is still a cause for concern. If you or your team are responsible for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of the workers at your organisation, it is imperative that you stay informed of all the latest Health & Safety requirements.
Feel free to contact our MD Frank O’Meara with any of your Health & Safety requirements and let us help you to safeguard the health of you staff.